About Us

Welcome to CurrentUVIndex.com, your dedicated platform for staying informed about the ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels in your locality. Our website keeps you in the loop with real-time UV index data as well as a 5-day hourly UV index forecast for over 30,000 cities across the United States.

Our Origins

This website was born in 2023 when an enthusiastic programmer with a knack for big data decided to create a service that would make a difference. Our founder, who always had a deep-seated interest in environmental science, saw an opportunity to utilize his programming and big data skills to raise awareness about the importance of UV index information. With skin cancer rates on the rise and the increasingly unpredictable nature of the weather, this website was developed to empower individuals to take charge of their sun exposure and make informed decisions regarding their outdoor activities.

Our Data

Our primary data source is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA is a reputable agency that specializes in environmental monitoring and is widely regarded as one of the most reliable sources for weather and climate data. We've built a robust system that frequently collects and processes UV index data from the NOAA to ensure that our information is both current and precise. To learn more about our data sources, please visit our Data Sources page.

Our Commitment

Our website is committed to maintaining the highest standards of data integrity and user experience. We continuously work on refining our algorithms and expanding our database to include more cities. Through our platform, we wish to make UV index information an integral part of daily life for people across the United States, contributing to healthier and well-informed communities.

We are here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions for improving our service. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Stay informed, stay healthy!